
The latest news and updates from Havant AC.

Hayling 10 Mile Road Race 2022

Hayling 10 Mile Road Race 2022

We are happy to announce the Hayling 10 Mile Road Race will be returning this year. Head over to the Hayling 10 page for course details and more information.

Mike Williams

Mike Williams

It’s with great sadness that we mourn the passing of Mike, who died suddenly at his home alone yesterday, 24th August. He had been with Havant AC for over 25 years in the capacity of Club Secretary, and Membership secretary recently. Mike was also the manager of our...

John “Gus” Michael GALE (3/11/1932 – 27/01/2021)

It is with great sadness that we have to announce the passing of John on the 27th January, at QA hospital, after a short illness and contracting covid. Our thoughts and condolences to Joan, Kevin, Christopher, Patrick and Emma, Jamie and Tom and family. John was one...

Training Sessions

Training sessions will return to Cowplain School from Tuesday 4th August.  Toilets will be availabe but we will not have access to the changing rooms.  We will be there every Tuesday and Thursday 6 to 7pm.

Hayling 10 Update

It is the intention to stage this years Hayling 10 on Sunday 7th November with a 9am start.  The plan is to open entries on June 1st but obviously this will be dependent on the Covid situation.  Thank you for your continued support.

Alfa Mar 2020

Alfa Mar 2020

Alfa Mar 2020 – Thanks Very Much Dennis Not quite the start we were hoping for.  I received a message from the airline to say that our flight had been cancelled!  Trying to get hold of the airline late on Friday evening is not easy and in the end the best they could...

Final PB List for 2019

The final PB list for 2019 is now available on the CLUB RECORDS page, well done to our athletes who managed to beat the 2018 total by just 2 PBs.

2019 Performances

All known track and field performances for 2019 are now available on the CLUB RECORDS page.

Hayling 10 2019 Update

Hayling 10 2019 Update

The Race entry has now been closed as we have reached the race entry limit.Entries up to 11th September can be seen here.

Lakeside 5K

Lakeside 5K

Thank you to all marshals who helped at the Lakeside 5k series of races your time is very much appreciated. Well done to Joe Wiggins who managed a PB in the final race of this years series. He finished in a time of 19:45, knocking 9 seconds off his previous best.